Custody Change Obtained in Alabama Family Law Matter

About Alabama Divorce & Family Law

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After divorcing her husband in Shelby County, an Alabama woman began seeing a man who lived out-of-state. During a visit with this new partner, the woman decided she didn’t want to return to Alabama, essentially abandoning the children she shared with her ex. As such, her ex came to Alabama Divorce & Family Lawyers, LLC for help with his child custody case.

Attorney Richard Perry helped the client file an ex parte petition for full custody of his young children. Within a week, attorney Perry and the client were in court for a custody hearing. In arguing on behalf of the father, and applying the McClendon Standard (which is a hard burden to meet for parents challenging a custody determination or seeking to modify custody after an original divorce order), the court awarded the client full custody of his children.

The mother was granted out-of-state visitation, which typically includes a few weeks over the summer and alternating Christmas breaks.

The outcome of an individual case depends on a variety of factors unique to that case. Case results do not guarantee or predict a similar result in any similar or future case.