At Alabama Divorce & Family Lawyers, LLC, our firm believes that a divorce should not be seen as only the end of a marriage, but a divorce is a journey through which you and your spouse separate your lives to each obtain a better future. Our Birmingham family lawyers handle divorce for men and women, divorces that involve few or significant assets, and divorces that do and do not include children. Whatever your situation, we want to be sure you receive the information and guidance you need to confidently move through the Alabama divorce process.
To discuss getting a divorce in Alabama with an experienced attorney, contact Alabama Divorce & Family Lawyers, LLC. We are available via our online form or by phone at (205) 255-1155.
A divorce can be a complex and multi-faceted process. Prior to filing for divorce, there are a number of issues to consider. When is the right to file? How will the divorce impact your income and taxes? Did you sign a prenup that impacts what you can get in a divorce? While you can mull over these questions on your own, it is often better to speak with a divorce attorney in Pelham, AL or near your home.
Partnering with a divorce attorney can help you work the underlying issues of your divorce as efficiently as possible.
Following your initial considerations, a divorce attorney will work with you to determine whether you should expect a contested or uncontested divorce. This can guide you in determining the grounds on which you file for divorce, which could be fault-based or no-fault grounds. Many individuals in Alabama file for divorce based on no-fault, however you may wish to prove your spouse caused the marriage to fail.
When you have decided on the basis for the divorce, you or your spouse must file for divorce in a county where you both or one of you live. Filing for divorce in Alabama officially begins the process of legally dissolving your marriage. Your divorce case may take weeks or months to resolve. In highly contentious cases, it can take years. Partnering with a divorce attorney from Alabama Divorce & Family Lawyers, LLC can help you work the underlying issues of your divorce as efficiently as possible.
Additionally, a divorce lawyer can help you after your divorce should be all said and done. Following your divorce decree, problems may arise that force you to take your spouse back to court. In these situations, you should have a tenacious attorney ready to fight for your rights under Alabama law and the divorce order.
$2,000 -FOR- 3 months
Many divorces can be completed in this time.
$10,000 -FOR- 1 year
Some divorces require longer than three months to complete.
Customized divorces and complex cases can range from $5,000 to more than $100,000, depending on a variety of factors, such as case complexity, assets, and child custody. Additional payment options are available.
Don't Wait Until It's Too Late…
You should never dive into the Alabama divorce process without first working with an experienced attorney. By speaking with a lawyer before making any decisions or filing any documents, you learn more about Alabama divorce laws, your rights and options in regard to the divorce, and strategies to obtain the best possible outcome.
Divorce is a legal and emotional process, it can also be a significant financial undertaking. You should speak with your attorney about divorce and taxes. If your income may change considerably following a separation and divorce, you may need to prepare for a different outcome to your taxes. In this situation, your attorney may recommend working with an accountant during and following your divorce.
Another aspect to consider is whether you have a marital agreement in place, including a pre-nuptial agreement or a post-nuptial agreement. If you and your spouse signed a pre-nup or post-nup when you were married, then this contract may dictate many of the terms of your divorce. A Shelby County divorce lawyer will look over any type of marital agreement closely. At Alabama Divorce & Family Lawyers, LLC are highly experienced in drafting, contesting, and defending pre- and post-nuptial agreements.
You may also wish to speak with an attorney about how the timing of a divorce could impact your children. There is no perfect time to file for divorce, but your lawyer may have a recommendation for how to handle a divorce in Alabama with a child.
After speaking with an attorney regarding some important initial considerations, your next step is to consider what type of divorce you may be approaching. Based on your current relationship with your spouse, do you expect a contested or uncontested divorce? At Alabama Divorce & Family Lawyers, LLC, our divorce lawyers in Bessemer, AL, are highly experienced in both contested and uncontested divorces. If your spouse disagrees with the divorce or one or more underlying issues, then we will guide you through divorce litigation. This can be a challenging experience, but we strive to get you through this journey as efficiently as possible. If you believe you are heading into a contentious divorce, contact a divorce lawyer right away. If your spouse agrees that a divorce is the best choice for you both, and you seem to agree on many of the underlying issues, then you may consider a collaborative divorce. We can guide you through filing for divorce, negotiating the details of a divorce settlement, and obtaining a final court order. A common mistakes couples make is to think they do not need legal representation during an amicable or collaborative divorce. We recommend you each obtain legal counsel to ensure you do not overlook important details that should be addressed in your divorce order, such as obtaining a qualified domestic relations order (QDRO) to divide retirement investments. You would be surprised at how many couples look at the big picture and forget small, yet important, assets. If you are confident a divorce attorney is unnecessary, we still want to help.
To legally end your marriage in Alabama, you or your spouse must file for divorce in a county that has jurisdiction over the matter. The initial paperwork is known as the complaint. In this document, you must tell the court the grounds for divorce. In other words, why you want to obtain a divorce. Under Ala. Code 30-2-1, there are 10 potential fault-based reasons you may use to ask for a divorce:
This law also outlines three reasons for divorce that are not one spouse’s fault. You may allege in your divorce paperwork that:
Whether or not you should argue fault in your divorce depends on the situation. You should speak with our divorce attorneys before deciding on a fault or no-fault divorce. Filing a fault-based divorce may give you an advantage when seeking a larger portion of marital assets, alimony or spousal support, and child custody. However, there is no guarantee of this. Because of the extra time and effort that may be required for a fault-based divorce, many of our clients choose to file for divorce on a no-fault basis.
Once you have considered the type of divorce, contested or uncontested, and the grounds for your divorce, it is time to get started.
The first official step is to file for divorce. You should speak with a divorce lawyer in Hoover, AL or near you to be confident you file in the correct county. Typically, you will file a divorce complaint in the county where you live, though you may file in the county where you spouse lives.
After you file for divorce, you can expect to appear in court. Your divorce will likely require multiple hearings, some of which you must attend and others during which you can be represented by your attorney.
Following the initial filing, you and your spouse’s attorneys may take part in discovery. This is the phase of divorce proceedings during which both sides request and exchange information. This can be important if you believe your spouse is lying about their income or hiding assets. The discovery process enables you to obtain a clear picture of your spouse’s financial situation and of the marital estate. This is also the time to speak with your attorney about asset protection in divorce. You may have certain assets that you believe are your property alone and not part of the marital estate. We will seek to keep these separate.
A divorce, on its face, is about ending a marriage. In reality and in court, it becomes a lot more than that. During a divorce in Alabama, you and your spouse must make decisions regarding numerous individual issues or put those issues before a judge. Essential issues that must be decided or litigated during a divorce include:
Depending on the circumstances, you may choose or be required, based on Ala. Code 6-6-20, to go through divorce mediation. This is an out-of-court process during which you and your spouse, with the help of your attorneys, talk with each other in the presence of a neutral mediator and attempt to negotiate a resolution to a dispute. Mediation may be used for some or all aspects of a divorce.
You and your spouse may be able to amicably negotiate all the unique issues present in your divorce, thereby creating your own divorce settlement. With a divorce attorney from Alabaster, AL, you can be confident your divorce settlement includes everything you need it to. You can be confident that it is drafted clearly and accurately to avoid any post-divorce problems. If you and your spouse do not negotiate a divorce settlement, then the issues must be resolved by the judge.
Many divorces take months to resolve, though some can be finalized quickly. Alabama’s divorce waiting period is only 30 days, which means you can obtain a final divorce decree after about four weeks if the underlying issues can be resolved in that time.
If everything goes as planned, once your divorce is finalized, then you do not need to return to court. Unfortunately, not all divorces go as planned, which is why our divorce lawyers in Shelby County, Alabama represent individuals in post-divorce actions. You may need to return to court if your ex-spouse is violating the court order. It may be that your spouse refuses to hand over certain assets or take responsibility for certain debts. We also handle post-divorce alimony issues, including when one party wishes to increase alimony or end it. If you are divorced, yet you are experiencing continued problems, do not hesitate to contact us to discuss your options.
While we certainly understand people being uneasy about how to file for divorce in Alabama without a lawyer, the answer is definitely “Yes, you can.” And, our cheap divorce lawyers in Birmingham will provide you with all the info you’ll need, each required document, and every available resource.
You still may run into obstacles along the way, but Alabama Divorce & Family Law, LLC will always have you covered. If you have questions, feel free to ask our contested or uncontested divorce lawyers in Alabama because we’ll get you the answer quickly. If you need additional forms, you can find them online, along with clear examples of the information you’ll need to complete them. And if you’re stuck and unsure of your next move, our tutorials and other materials will get you where you need to be.
Money is often a factor when getting a divorce. When finances are tight, or you are concerned about your post-divorce budget, you don’t want to worry about an expensive divorce. A relative quick and cheap divorce can be achieved by filing for divorce online with a lawyer or moving forward without an attorney. Working with a cheap divorce lawyer in Alabama is an option.
The fastest way to get a divorce is to go through an uncontested, no-fault divorce online. You need to complete a divorce complaint, marital settlement agreement, child support information sheet (CS-47), notarized testimony of plaintiff affidavit, and the vital statistics form. You will need a third-party to sign an affidavit of residency to prove you live in Alabama. You can file the forms at the county clerk’s office or online through AlaFile. Working with a divorce attorney who can skillfully fill out and file the forms for you or with a trusted legal resource for a DIY divorce is often the best way to get a quick, cheap divorce. With reliable information, you can obtain the right forms, complete them, and file them within a matter of days.
You can get a quick divorce in Alabama because the state only requires a 30-day waiting period for a divorce to be granted. If you are your spouse do not have children (or agree on child custody entirely) and have little-to-no assets (or completely agree on the division or property), then you can ask a judge to finalize your uncontested divorce 30 days after you filed. Realistically, most uncontested, no-fault divorces take a few months to resolve. Working with an uncontested divorce lawyer ensures the process moves along efficiently.
Yes, you can file for divorce without a lawyer in Alabama. Because people can fill out self-help forms and find instructions online, more people are using this option. However, filing for divorce with no lawyer puts you at risk for avoidable mistakes that make an uncontested divorce take longer than it should.
A do-it-yourself divorce is possible, especially if you have the right resources. For a DIY divorce, you need to obtain the proper forms for the county where you wish to file for divorce. This is either the county you live in or your spouse lives in. The basic forms are the divorce complaint, marital settlement agreement, testimony of plaintiff (affidavit), affidavit of residency, child support information sheet (CS-47), and the vital statistics form. You must file the uncontested divorce documents with the clerk of the court and pay a filing fee.
A DIY divorce is both possible and frugal. By relying on do-it-yourself divorce papers, you can avoid the cost of a divorce lawyer’s hourly fee. However, a do-it-yourself divorce can be intimidating, and without proper guidance, it is easy to make mistakes.
Yes, you can file for divorce online in Alabama by registering as a pro se individual with AlaFile.
A cheap divorce is possible, but a free divorce is not. An inherent cost is a filing fee for your divorce complaint. You pay the fee when you file the uncontested divorce complaint. The filing fee in Jefferson County is $206. Your next cost will be if you use the sheriff or a process server to serve your spouse with the divorce papers. An additional $10 fee is charged for every document submitted to the sheriff’s department for service.
At Alabama Divorce & Family Lawyers, LLC, we are proud to serve individuals throughout Alabama. We represent all types of individuals in a variety of family law matters, including divorce for women and men, divorce involving high-value assets, and divorce involving children. We hope you will let us represent you through this process and help you achieve a better future for you and your family. We believe it is more important for you to have access to legal information than to hire us to represent you in court. We understand many people choose to go through a divorce without an attorney. To speak with a Birmingham divorce lawyer, contact Alabama Divorce & Family Lawyers, LLC at (205) 255-1155.